With the coming legalization of marijuana and the medical uses continuing I decided to post a couple of recipes I found in an herb book, Field Guide to Herbs & Spices by Aliza Green. The entry on Cannabis I found very intriguing. The use of Cannabis in cooking has been a regular practice for centuries.
Year: 2010
Change.org|Start Petition Join me at Change.org, become a member, it is free. Sign petitions that matter to you and help create a global social change. Become a Social Change Artist. Blessings.
Express Gratitude for all things in life. Love without fear Be Bodacious Laugh, giggle, smile all the time Sing out of tune, dance as if no one is watching. Be the person you were created to be. Be the change you wish to see Do not complain, yet have a 5 minute whine party. You
Entering recovery is a contract with self and the program you joined. When I use the term program it includes 12-step recovery, treatment programs, counseling and therapy. The type of recovery you select depends on what you are seeking to recovery from. Mental health and addictions (inclusion of alcoholism) are states we can recovery from.
Cleaning out the junk on my thumb drive again. I am a collector, hold on to something for awhile to consider its usefulness. Use to be I held on forever, now I have learned to set some rules and do well by them. That is not what this is about, so will cover that later.
How Did You Die? Edmund Vance Cooke (1866-1932) Did you tackle that trouble that came your way With a resolute heart and cheerful? Or hide your face from the light of day With a craven soul and fearful? Oh, a trouble’s a ton, or a trouble’s an ounce, Or a trouble is what you make
Do you remember the first movie called “The Karate Kid?” The lessons using the task, wax on, wax off? Each task was a lesson in mindfulness, feeling, and listening to learn the proper motions of the body, becoming one with the body. Something those of us with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a difficult
There is one special book every woman should own whether actively in recovery or not. A Woman’s Way Through The Twelve Steps by Stephanie S. Covington, Ph.D. Dr. Covington found a way to make the 12 steps palatable to women seeking recovery. Much of the language used in the original steps from Alcoholics Anonymous is
The Conversations with God, Book 1 was recommended to me shortly after it was published in 1996, but this was a time of searching to find a God I could do business with, meaning I was not interested in reading someone else’s story. It was over the next four or five years that I discovered
A poet, Kalidasa, was a mystery, legend surrounds his life. This poem, stands out as a way to live in the day.
In the past 21 years I have discovered an awareness of me that most people go to any lengths to escape, I know I did. I was terrified to get to know me, discover who I could be and should be beyond the victim and the survivor. Now mind you I did not set out
I came across this line years ago, when I was struggling to start a new life, recovering from drug/alcohol addiction and trauma. A line from a hymn written in the 1800s. Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom; Lead thou me on! The night is dark, and I am far from home; Lead thou me
There are several questions unanswered as yet in regards to addiction such as whether or not it is genetic or acquired and exactly what it is. An addiction is a basic need to have the substance that has altered mood and/or mind at any cost. It is the “I have to have it to feel
When you are consistent with writing a journal, patterns begin to emerge. Emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and the culmination of life as you knew it shifts. These are learned survival skills that have brought you to this day. Recognizing habits that hold you in prison fuel you to action and judged either good or bad is
This was a gift to me from a friend. I now gift this to you. Mother Earth Prayer Mother Earth hear your child, As I sit here on your lap of grass, I listen to the echoes of your voice In my brother, the Wind, As he blows from all corners and directions. The soft
Today I am sharing something I believe can make a difference in your life, this is the complete information. I have enjoyed Dr Wayne Dyer’s books and lectures, finding inspiration and the answers to questions I did not even know I had yet. I hope you find as much inspiration from this set as I
If you do not keep a journal I suggest you do. A journal is a great way to discover progress and patterns in your life you may decide to enhance or remove. A journal is yours, to write in any way you see fit, there are no hard or fast rules, but there are as
Basics for living a spiritual life are simple, it seems human nature to complicate it, determining a level of difficulty and seeking some way to measure it. Learning to keep life on a spiritual level takes practice, a desire to live in harmony and peace. A spiritual life requires desire, love, patience, practice, patience, and
Good Day, I do hope this finds you well and happy. This is the first day of a new life, each breath refreshes me and brings me healing. I am! This is the new site for me, Connie S Owens, from here there are many more changes to come. The goal is to include a