There are so many holidays around the world this time of year, Christmas, Yuletide, Hanukkah, Boxing Day, and these are only the ones I can remember right now. This is a great time of year, preparations for a new year and wonderful new events. Each year there are resolutions. Each year there are self-punishments dished

This is not a new topic here, as you will notice when you browse the archives. But it is important to review periodically, at least I believe it is. Each day we are bombarded by millions, trillions, zillions of information, sensory information. This includes sights, sounds, touch, smell, tastes, our environment is recorded by every

I have added a Google Notice for the keyword “spirituality” to keep an eye on the various topics concerning this word. In the course of checking out the alerts I get once a week there is one title that showed more than any other: Spirituality versus Religion. There is no versus, comparing spirituality to religion

I have answered a request to add three support resources to my Emergency & Recovery Directory. The services include a support group site with counseling services, a mental health resources filled with articles about living with depression and finding the best options for you, and a resource for eating disorders. Each site is filled with

Step 1   Mindfulness can be frightening to one who has lived in shadows, hiding from self and the world. Hence the concept of step 1 to mindfulness. Tuning out happens when there is too much external stimuli, trauma from screaming, berating, physical assault, can create a shut down in our body’s system. It becomes

Self-healing is not about just healing your pains, grievances, traumas, or nightmares. Others have been involved in your life, the course of it, the events in which you were a part of. Grief, pain, the thing of nightmares is brought to those who share your journey. With time and willingness to heal these moments will

In Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meeting rooms there are small posters situated around the room with a variety of sayings, as there are for many other 12-step fellowships. Each statement is worded in a way to bring about an aha moment, hope that life will improve, or some other idea to the person who

What is clutter blindness? A Google search relates clutter blindness to the term to hoarding. Hoarding is a phenomenon where a person holds on to things he or she believes is valuable in some way, it cannot get thrown out. Before long there is no room for the person to walk or live in his

Do you have an answer to this question? What comes to mind when you read this question? Well, let me tell you this about me, have not clue. I was asked once if I could describe me. Who I am… My description was met with derision. The comment following was simple yet profound. “You described

The month of August is a Muslim holiday, Ramadan. The linked article describes how during the entire month of August Muslims world wide will begin prayers are dusk and fast during the day. This is traditionally a time of reflection, prayers, and spiritual development. Spiritual development is different in each religion. There are those of

I have yet to find definitive information relating to the mood effects of cholesterol. But my thinking is this, if cholesterol interferes with healthy functioning, preparing you for a heart attack, then why would the process not affect your mood? Fatigue is one link to heart attacks in women. Cholesterol levels that are high are