WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. I cleaned my blog out of the hacked links, as if I would use those anyways. Learned a great deal about making my blogs secure against attacks. The tools I have included can be located under security plug ins at the WordPress.org site. A few things to take note of were the version of
Month: May 2011
Changing the name of the site. The new name is A Spiritual Paradigm. Sat on the title for over a month now, keeps ringing in my ear. Looked up the word that sang the loudest and decided that yes, this fits so much better. Welcome to A Spiritual Paradigm. More great deals, ideas, teaching to
Looking forward to becoming certified in coaching? Here is another option to consider. Happiness Coaching by Dr. Robert Holden, five days of developing a Happiness principle you can teach your clients. To read the information in it’s entirety click the banner above and consider scheduling your time to visit New York while attending this seminar.