I enjoy this book, especially the Teacher’s Manual where the description and requirements are explained for God’s teachers. It also reminds me of those qualities I have that are special to each of us. I am a firm believer that what we require to live a life of joy, happiness, and empowerment we own. These
Year: 2011
Healing With The Masters – audio. This is a last chance to listen to some terrific individuals in relation to the changes that occur now and in the future. Take the time to listen, if you do not have time, download and save for later. But listen. Such great insight and inspiration. Bless you.
Here is something more for your consideration. Working with self and others brings an awareness of the language, behaviors, attitudes, ideas, and general way of life. No two people live the exact same way, believe or understand the same about meanings, actions, facial expressions, pictures, movies, etc. In this post I am going to muse
WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO….. I cleaned my blog out of the hacked links, as if I would use those anyways. Learned a great deal about making my blogs secure against attacks. The tools I have included can be located under security plug ins at the WordPress.org site. A few things to take note of were the version of
Changing the name of the site. The new name is A Spiritual Paradigm. Sat on the title for over a month now, keeps ringing in my ear. Looked up the word that sang the loudest and decided that yes, this fits so much better. Welcome to A Spiritual Paradigm. More great deals, ideas, teaching to
Looking forward to becoming certified in coaching? Here is another option to consider. Happiness Coaching by Dr. Robert Holden, five days of developing a Happiness principle you can teach your clients. To read the information in it’s entirety click the banner above and consider scheduling your time to visit New York while attending this seminar.
For my herbal recipes and topical care there is only one place I will shop anymore. The company supports organic agriculture, fair trade, are OTCO Certified Organic, maintain sustainability and the list of products is forever. Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs. Bug repellent and Relaxer. 1 oz Sesame Seed
The following article discusses some of the immediate benefits to using meditation daily. Stress reduction is the greatest benefit which in turn will keep your immune system stronger. Though by itself it is not a cure all. One must access his or her life, decide what is most important, clean the clutter, and utilize that
If you have not been introduced to Emotional Tapping Techniques yet, this is your invitation to check it out now. Tapping is a way to rid yourself of the hidden messages, more importantly it is an instant tool to cope with the shocks life introduces to our day. I use a brief round of tapping
Family Violence Prevention Fund. Here is another resource for support and education about how to free yourself and others from abuse. School, home or work you deserve to be safe. For more resources see the Emergency & Recovery Resource page. These resources are not just for women, men and teens can find the support and
Note: This is a guest post in it’s original form by my friend Father Dave of Dulwich Hill, Australia. I am grateful to Father Dave for his continued support of my spiritual pilgrimage. A Sermon on Romans 13:8-10 I’ve decided to speak this morning on one of the most unnerving and threatening pieces of Scripture
Legal Tools for Survivors of Sexual Assault – PTSD Resources – Gift From Within. To read this article click the link. You will find it informative and educational. The journey from victim to living is not an easy path. Without help the same mistakes will continue. With help, loving and insightful, you will change and