Offering insight, information, alternative care and life style coaching with Reiki.
Offering insight, information, alternative care and life style coaching with Reiki.

Changes to A Spiritual Paradigm

What you see is not all there is to A Spiritual Paradigm. Took nearly all day to make these changes. There is still so much more to accomplish.

I have not set up my services page yet. I am working on new products and services. My plans are to develop a 6 week program to help institute a lifestyle change to those seeking to end their dependence on drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling and other similar behaviors.

There is a tremendous selection of resources available to those who seek. If you look at the side bar the links to resources will grow, so will the page that includes emergency and recovery resources.

The Google Translate in the upper left corner will allow readers to translate the entire blog and all pages to their specific language.

Posts will include remedies, nutritional and herbal, homeopathy and book reviews that will aid you in your journey of change.

As an advocate for Mother Earth I will include information that impacts us in global and community ways.

Thank you for visiting, I hope you bookmark and join me here and at one or all of my social network profiles.

Bless you, and no harm to none.