There is Still time to Join the Intention Energy Circle

In 2009 a man named Darius Barazandeh started the first Intention Energy Circle of its kind.

It started by first gathering world-class doctors, authors, and spiritual masters
to teach their secrets every day on a live tele-seminar.

But then things got deeper, and before each call, Darius began taking the first 10 minutes to set a sacred space, and have the entire group hold the same intention, in the same moment in time.

As more and more people began to join the calls, a circle started to form.

The same people would come back and vow their support – energetically and with their presence and time.

They started to hold the sacred space too. Not before long, thousands and thousands of people were joining forces together and setting the SAME intention at the exact same time – over and over again!

Can you imagine the power of THOUSANDS of people uniting in spiritual oneness?

At such a high vibrating frequency, when combining so much positive energy into one intentional space, crazy things start to happen…

… like transformation happening faster because you’ve plugged into a preexisting, high vibrational energy, a limitless wellspring of personal power that does the work FOR you …

… that leaves people feeling instant improvement after their first call…

Or, how even the most skeptical at first cannot HELP to transform because the group momentum is so strong – a force impossible to deny!

Still, even to this day, this Intention Energy Circle is alive and thriving, with more and more people joining it every day, Monday through Friday, five days a week (all season long).

In fact they are going on their 7th season straight, which is why now they are attracting more and more high-quality people who are simply READY to stop being a slave to their past failures and START to live outrageously ALIVE!

Would you like to attend, for free? Click here:

You Wealth Revolution TeleSeminar

Once you enter the circle, you’ll get all sorts of free tools and resources you can use and see results almost immediately.

Then you’ll realize there is more to the circle than just a free 10 minute energy boost each day. There’s a free live call every day featuring a world-class expert in their field.

This includes learning from masters in alternative health and wellness, spiritual development, relationships, energy healing, and receiving thought provoking insight into the cutting edge of scientific technology.

How do I know all of this? Because I am one of the presenters this season, and I would
really LOVE if you join me in the Intention Energy Circle, and I would love your support.

I hope you allow me to teach you the brand new material I’ve been working on to share with you. The only way to get it though is to register and meet me inside:

You Wealth Revolution TeleSeminar

Here are what other members are now saying:

“I am so grateful. I love you all. I love all the people around the globe whom I connect with during these calls.”
-Eliza, Oklahoma

“I especially love the intention circles and really feel a fantastic connection with the energy of
love we are all sharing.”
-Namaste, Jan Dooley

“I can actually feel myself expanding and becoming a bigger, more capable and loving person from the
inside out and I couldn’t do it without ALL of you!”
-Amy Hart, Farmington, CT

“I have always wanted to do this and so happy I finally got to this time. I just can not Thank you enough for the magic I’m learning about myself”
-Aaron Skopal, Chicago IL

“I was lost and seeking answers and guidance that was right for me. I found that with you.”
-Kathy Suclin, Virginia

“I am thinking differently and all I did, was listen to your recordings and call in on the phone!”
-Jennifer Feymor, Longmount, Co

“My life is more peaceful, more intimate and more miraculous, and synchronous from the Heart, period!”
-Love, Sangita

My Testimonial: During a couple of the calls I felt goose chills cover my body, a looseness, and lightness. Since that experience, the emotions that plagued me has not returned. I continue to listen as often as I can to these calls. You will be amazed.

Blessings this day and into the next.

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