A Spiritual Paradigm, Let's Chat today. Set your consult appointment.

Contact Connie

Let’s meet.

My contact page offers a few ways to reach me.  Review my Services, you have a couple of options to select from.  I do create personalized plans with you. 

Please do not market to me.  Offering a joint venture would be terrific.

Call (be sure to leave a message): 619-936-3529 voice or text

FaceBook Messenger is another way to reach me. Leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I utilize video chat through a great service, if video is not suited to you, voice chat works as well. 

EMAIL:  info (at) aspiritualparadigm.com (replace the (at) with @)  Yes, a  bit of a pain, but keeps scrappers from pulling and spamming me.  I appreciate your understanding.

Social Media Channels



Check back occasionally as I update this page with other ways to reach me.

Using the camera on your phone, scan the QR code to send me an email. Enter your request and schedule a consult appointment.