Becoming a college student may seem easy, transitioning from high school to college does not seem like such a huge deal. However, the pressure on college students is intense for many. Especially when you have other pressures to cope with. Striking a balance is not easy between home and school, throw in a job and
Depression and Fatigue: A Vicious Cycle. This article explains and answers a few questions regarding the difference between depression and chronic fatigue. Despite the fact they do go hand in hand. Fatigue is a component to depression, especially when insomnia occurs. The brain fog, the difficulty focusing, no energy to do anything. Let me know
As a recovering woman the years have brought me many challenges. Always in search of the easier, softer way, I have discovered the direct path works every time. When we seek to “fix,” rather than experience our lives become complicated. Problems are a natural part of our lives. However, lessons in coping with the many
A couple of weeks ago I received a request to assist in getting this information out to those that are seeking. The following list concerns Seniors, Medicare, addiction, and suggestions, tips on how to get through the system to find what you require. Whether it is for yourself or a loved one the following resources
Spirituality, spiritual practices, what are they? How would you define Spirituality? Google Trends shows the search for the term spirituality at its highest in 2004. Today it is barely a word used in search terms. Yet, when you do conduct a Google search the links are extensive. The first page of the search shows educational
In researching resources for caregivers, another aspect to my life, I came across a forum for caregivers to post their questions and receive support. The majority of the questions posed are in relation to the relationship between parent and child, with the child now being the primary caregiver. A rough transition. There are two sides
In searching for something new and different to write about, I came across National Sorry Day, a national holiday in Australia on May 26. The holiday is intended to apologize for the Stolen Generations of Indigenous Australian peoples who were removed from their homes and separated from their families. On this day the Aboriginal flag
The Emergency & Recovery Resources has a new Suicide Prevention Resource. The article is explanatory and offers further resources for teachers, parents, friends, students, and other professionals on how to identify suicide symptoms and hopefully intervene to prevent it. This resource was brought to me by the mother of a young girl who recently lost
In 2009 a man named Darius Barazandeh started the first Intention Energy Circle of its kind. It started by first gathering world-class doctors, authors, and spiritual masters to teach their secrets every day on a live tele-seminar. But then things got deeper, and before each call, Darius began taking the first 10 minutes to set
Developing a spiritual path is rewarding, though not always easy. The belief that once drugs, alcohol, self-abusive behaviors, and other forms of addictions are removed life becomes easier magically appears. There are many who are convinced that it is the drugs, alcohol, or other substances that is the root of all his or her problems.
“And acceptance is the key to all my problems. When I am disturbed it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation-some fact of my life-unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be
A few months back I happened upon a box of books, dumped on the curb in the parking lot of a library. Rather than walk over the box and let it be someone else’s problem to move it, I hefted it up and set it on the bench near the dropbox. Before walking a way,
We can never have enough resources to provide treatment, intervention and prevention of domestic violence. Regretfully we need them. It would be terrific if one day we discovered a cure for violence. That is not going to happen, at least not in our life time. All we can do is continue to heal our own
I have been remiss in continuing to develop my Emergency & Recovery Resources page. What I mean is I forgot about adding Legal Services. The category is now added. The first resource to go under this new heading is the Mesothelioma Lawyer Center. This center offers free resources for Mesothelioma Victims and family members. Some
Do you talk to yourself? And the answer is, Yes. I have a personal conversation with myself on a regular basis. You may catch me talking out loud. Someone once said to me as long as you don’t answer yourself you’ll be alright. My retort was, why not? I have some of my best conversations
May you and your family enjoy a safe and wonderful holiday season. For those who are not fortunate to have homes, plenty to eat, loved ones to share their time with, I send blessings. Say a prayer, if possible help another, do something that no one will know about but you for another human being.
Short post today. As a person who no longer drinks alcohol or uses drugs, do you find the holidays more difficult? Early recovery and sobriety a person is still learning how not to respond to the cravings for drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other self-destructive behaviors. The holidays are a great challenge. Attending family gatherings where
Steps 6 & 7 Once through the first five steps of the 12-step program (A.A., N.A., G.A., etc) it is time to look at clearing the way to develop healthier behaviors, attitudes and beliefs. Step 6: Becoming willing to remove those things about you that get in the way. Defects of character is what Alcoholics
I am adding a new resource to the Emergency & Recovery Resources page. Mental Health guide for college students. As a student I can tell you it is important to learn how to not only survive the grueling schedule of collect, family and a job, but to thrive. Jennifer from the Online Colleges resource has
This phrase, “A Right Perspective,” was a title in an article I was reading regarding God, being a Christian, and the outlook for the future, especially for youth. So often the word “right” is used in context to beliefs, as if there is one way to believe. “My way is the only right way.” “A”