Welcome back to the journey through the 12 steps that anyone can utilize in their daily life. There is no secret society, no special needs or dues to pay. You are free to practice the spiritual principles as they are, change them to fit your needs, or ignore them complete. However, I do make one
Month: May 2012
As you know, there are no accidents and we all find each other for a specific reason. That’s why I’m excited to tell you about my latest discovery, one of the fastest-growing global information and influence companies in the world – the I AM Group. They’ve created an amazing online event called “The New Awakening
Tapping is the short for Emotion Freedom Technique. A tapping sequence that alleviates unwanted emotions. The fear of flying, snakes, heights, and other similar problems are relieved through the tapping sequence. I won’t bother with the full details here since there are manuals available from the creator of EFT, Gary Craig. Gary and his daughter
The third step is the last piece to building a solid foundation in your path. No home is sturdy without a foundation that is unshakeable. Steps one and two begin the introduction to believing there is a power greater than your problems and you. The beliefs you held prior to these first two steps should
Now that you have completed step one it is important to follow up with step two. The link to the A. A. 12×12 will provide you an online book to read, if you wish. Women, you may find the language of the 12×12 more masculine. The replacement for this would be A Woman’s Way Through
Today is the first day to the rest of your life. Remember that saying? When you strike out to create a change in your life, each day is the first day to your life. Each day is different, new, and rewarding, regardless of what happens. We take the good and the bad, the hard and
There are over 200 fellowships around the world that have adopted the 12-steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Each fellowship has adjusted the language to fit with the primary problem of its members. Within each step lies a spiritual concept and a principle that is a part of daily life. The essence of the 12-steps is to