Introduction The link between mental health disorders and substance abuse is becoming more apparent. About 33% of people who combat a psychiatric disorder also battle substance abuse, and over half the people who are addicted to drugs also have a psychiatric disorder. With a raised awareness comes an increase in ways for victims to treat
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This is something I truly believe we can heal, prevent, and cure: Cancer. Because of that I offer the following post for your reading. I do hope you will join me at the Live Summit. From The Truth About Cancer: An investment in your health is the greatest thing you can ever do in your
Mental illness and addiction often go hand-in-hand. Most commonly, the addiction has emerged as a result of self-medication for the mental illness in place of proper treatment. Substance abuse can appear to help a person cope with their mental illness, but in actuality is often aggravating the symptoms in the long run. Though self-medication
The Veteran Population The veteran population is one of the most at-risk for several types of mental illness, many of which go untreated. The various wars our country has been involved with over the past half-century have left many veterans mentally scarred, and understandably. In Vietnam veterans, mental health treatment may be more stigmatized, causing
How to Help a Veteran In the United States, there are more than 21 million veterans, the majority of who deal with the unfortunate aftermath of their time in the field. The experience of war is devastating, and can leave veterans feeling emotionally unstable, which can develop into mental health issues. Many struggle in returning
With the new changes to social security nearly upon us there is an influx of information, resources, offerings, and much more placed before us. Information overload is putting it mildly. Overwhelm is a bit closer to reality. It is our job to sort it all out and make sense of what is relevant, what is
I wonder how many people exist in this world that feel as if there is no help, no resource, no way to improve their life? Possible more than wish to be known. Each time something pops up that sounds or reads like it will cure the problem, grabbing it like a life line, only to
During one of my journal writing mornings about all that is wrong in my life, a quiet thought crept in as I took a sip of my coffee: Be Grateful. Gratitude is easy to acquire, requires very little practice. Yet is amazing to me how no one seems to really understand the phrase. We give
With the financial stress of paying for the holidays, rent, debts, and just feeding yourself the last thing money will go to is seeing a therapist or psychologist. At least for many that do not have insurance to cover the cost. Yet this is where a large chunk goes each month for many. Mental illness
Before I began learning about healing modalities and spiritual paths, I was desperate for a solution that would cure me. Medically and psychologically there is no cure for what ails me. Sadly, the damage is done. Well at least according to the modern medicine way of thinking. In short I was diagnosed with Chronic Posttraumatic
Becoming a college student may seem easy, transitioning from high school to college does not seem like such a huge deal. However, the pressure on college students is intense for many. Especially when you have other pressures to cope with. Striking a balance is not easy between home and school, throw in a job and
Depression and Fatigue: A Vicious Cycle. This article explains and answers a few questions regarding the difference between depression and chronic fatigue. Despite the fact they do go hand in hand. Fatigue is a component to depression, especially when insomnia occurs. The brain fog, the difficulty focusing, no energy to do anything. Let me know
As a recovering woman the years have brought me many challenges. Always in search of the easier, softer way, I have discovered the direct path works every time. When we seek to “fix,” rather than experience our lives become complicated. Problems are a natural part of our lives. However, lessons in coping with the many
A couple of weeks ago I received a request to assist in getting this information out to those that are seeking. The following list concerns Seniors, Medicare, addiction, and suggestions, tips on how to get through the system to find what you require. Whether it is for yourself or a loved one the following resources
Spirituality, spiritual practices, what are they? How would you define Spirituality? Google Trends shows the search for the term spirituality at its highest in 2004. Today it is barely a word used in search terms. Yet, when you do conduct a Google search the links are extensive. The first page of the search shows educational
In researching resources for caregivers, another aspect to my life, I came across a forum for caregivers to post their questions and receive support. The majority of the questions posed are in relation to the relationship between parent and child, with the child now being the primary caregiver. A rough transition. There are two sides
In searching for something new and different to write about, I came across National Sorry Day, a national holiday in Australia on May 26. The holiday is intended to apologize for the Stolen Generations of Indigenous Australian peoples who were removed from their homes and separated from their families. On this day the Aboriginal flag
The Emergency & Recovery Resources has a new Suicide Prevention Resource. The article is explanatory and offers further resources for teachers, parents, friends, students, and other professionals on how to identify suicide symptoms and hopefully intervene to prevent it. This resource was brought to me by the mother of a young girl who recently lost
In 2009 a man named Darius Barazandeh started the first Intention Energy Circle of its kind. It started by first gathering world-class doctors, authors, and spiritual masters to teach their secrets every day on a live tele-seminar. But then things got deeper, and before each call, Darius began taking the first 10 minutes to set
Developing a spiritual path is rewarding, though not always easy. The belief that once drugs, alcohol, self-abusive behaviors, and other forms of addictions are removed life becomes easier magically appears. There are many who are convinced that it is the drugs, alcohol, or other substances that is the root of all his or her problems.